Dental Care
Dental Care
Dental department at WELLKINS Medical Centre provides high quality accessible general dental services to all age groups including children, young people and adults and old age. The focus our dental services is on oral health promotion, prevention, early detection, and treatment of oral diseases. We are committed to providing quality dental care services at lowest price using the latest technology and equipment in a comfortable facility. Our highly trained, & experienced general dentist strive hard to make our patient visits stress free and enjoyable within a safe and positively soothing environment.
Dental department of WELLKINS Medical Centre provide the services including,
- Oral examination
- Intraoral radiograph
- Topical fluoride treatment
- Fissure sealant application
- Dental filling (Temporary & Permanent)
- Post and core
- Teeth whitening
- Pulpotomy
- Direct and indirect pulp capping
- Root canal treatment
- Scaling and root planning
- Veneers
- Crown and Bridge
- Removable partial denture
- Complete denture
- Extractions
- Space maintainer insertion
- Cosmetic Dentistry